The Good Oil Crops
Browse through the beautiful rapeseed & sunflower crops growing in the South Island of New Zealand, these are just a few of the hard working farms that help create The Good Oil.

Darling’s Farm, South Timaru
The Darling family have been farming for 80 years on their South Canterbury farm and have been growing rapeseed for The Good Oil for the past 10 years.
Andrew has recently taken over from his father Warren, and is the 4th generation
Pankhurst Farm, Burnham Canterbury
This stunning photo of the Milkyway above a flowering rapeseed crop was taken on Robbie Pankhurst’s farm near Rolleston, Canterbury.
Robbie has been growing rapeseed crop for The Good Oil for 8 years and he’s a good bugger.

Altonbrook Farm, Southbridge
These glorious sunflowers are grown by the McMillian family at their Southbridge farm in Canterbury.
As you can see the sunflowers track the sun during the day, absorbing the heat and producing a golden oil that tastes intrinsically like the sunflower seed.
Wigley’s Farm, Hook Waimate
Hugh and Liz Wigley’s farm, 450 hectares, near Waimate. The Wigleys have been farming in the district for 60 years.
Both Liz and Hugh are avid fans of The Good Oil for baking cakes and roasting potatoes.

Royalburn Station, Central Otago
Carlos Bagrie and Nadia Lim’s farm, the magnificent Royalburn Station. The station is nestled in the Crown Range, Central Otago.
Royalburn Station utilises sunflower crops within its sustainable and ethically focused farming and food production.